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Lake Charles Gets a New Mallard Cove Golf Course

Lake Charles Gets a New Mallard Cove Golf Course

By Dave Daubert

A new Mallard Cove Golf Course is about to open in Lake Charles, Louisiana in October, due to the city giving the 100 acres of land where Mallard Cove once set to the Chennault International Airport. Chennault agreed to build another golf course of the same or higher quality in exchange for the land to boost its cargo-handling abilities.

City Administrator John Cardone said transferring Mallard Cove to Chennault ownership is a tremendous benefit for the airport. "We want to see the airport expand," said Cardone. "We support economic diversity, and this is part of that development for not only Lake Charles, but all of Southwest Louisiana.

Several years ago Chennault approached the city about developing the golf course property, which the city owned. The agreement called for Chennault to pay $6.6 million to fund the design and construction of the new course. In addition the airport will pay the city $15,000 per month for 20 years, or $3.6 million to cover the costs of utility extensions and building the clubhouse.

City Council members authorized Mayor Nic Hunter to amend the existing cooperative endeavor agreement to transfer city insurance proceeds to Chennault which will allow them to repair the interior of the clubhouse, which was damaged by Hurricane Laura last year. The city used part of the fund for mitigation work, installing a new roof and repairing the exterior of the clubhouse.

The new Mallard Cove is located on 160 acres donated by MorganField Development and is ready to open. PGA Professional Jonathan Jester has moved from Gray Plantation to become the Head Professional at Mallard Cove, bringing his excellent teaching skills and management prowess to the new facility. The city chose Sterling Golf Inc. from Houston to manage the course. Lake Charles is one of the fastest growing cities in the country and now has a brand new golf course for golfers to enjoy.

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Revised: 10/18/2021 - Article Viewed 4,170 Times - View Course Profile

About: Dave Daubert

Dave Daubert David has been writing about golf since the turn of the century. He was Managing Editor at a regional golf magazine for 11 years, published in Canada, the IAGTO and a Staff Writer for The Georgia Golf Trail. His insightful perspective brings golf to life.

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